Conceived as the centerpiece of a show floor, “the Landmark” is not only a show stopping structure, but also a showcase for Microsoft’s most cutting-edge innovations. The whole installation is portable and customizable, and the structure is designed to physically represent Microsoft’s Intelligent Cloud, Intelligent Edge system of IoT devices linked with AI.
The first application developed for the Landmark touchscreens is an interactive simulation explaining how Microsoft’s technologies are changing the future of farming. We worked closely with the client to learn about the work they are doing on precision farming - integrating networks of IoT devices with cloud-based AI to increase efficiency and crop yield and address food shortages. We then translated that into an interactive presentation featuring custom animated environments, informational panels and interaction points to keep guests engaged.
As well as the LED screen ring, our fabrication partners DGTL created a kinetic sculpture of moving rings around a central circular medallion, and customizable lighting that can be adapted to suit an event or sponsor.
The Landmark has traveled to trade shows and events across North America. It was featured in the 2018 keynote at Microsoft Ignite in Orlando and won the Freeman Design Impact Award for 2018.
My role: Associate digital producer, video producer & director